A Review of the Concept of Love From the Viewpoint of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

One can claim to be a true lover when one set aside the love for the self in order to be able to make sacrifices for his loved one. In fact, true love is realized when one forgets everything and everyone, even his own self, other than his loved one. A true lover would also forget his own selfish interests and is ready to make any kind of sacrifice for his loved one.

Hijab as a Rational Religious Practice From the Perspective of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

One of the regulations in the Revealed Law is the one concerning Hijab. This is one of the indispensable parts of the Islamic Law which has its roots in human emotions, reason, and intellect; it is also closely related to the realities of human life Therefore, if people consider the philosophy behind the legislation of Hijab and its numerous benefits, they will come to realize that it is to their own benefit.


The Mina calamity was a tragedy which caused the deaths of thousands of Ḥajj pilgrims from many different Islamic countries, including more than 460 Iranian pilgrims. This tragedy showed the depths of the incompetence and lack of management of the Wahhabi led Saudi government. This tragedy also showed us how necessary it is to change the management in charge of the Two Holy Shrines.
قرآن و تفسیر نمونه
مفاتیح نوین
نهج البلاغه
پاسخگویی آنلاین به مسائل شرعی و اعتقادی
آیین رحمت، معارف اسلامی و پاسخ به شبهات اعتقادی
احکام شرعی و مسائل فقهی
کتابخانه مکارم الآثار
خبرگزاری رسمی دفتر آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی
مدرس، دروس خارج فقه و اصول و اخلاق و تفسیر
ویدئوها و محتوای بصری
پایگاه اطلاع رسانی دفتر حضرت آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی مدظله العالی
انتشارات امام علی علیه السلام
زائرسرای امام باقر و امام صادق علیه السلام مشهد مقدس
کودک و نوجوان
آثارخانه فقاهت

قالَ الباقر عليه السّلام :

بَلا فى اِثْنَيْنِ مِنْ اَصْحابِهِ قالَ: فَلمّا مَرَّبِها تَرَقْرَقَتْ عَيْناهُ لِلْبُکاءِ ثُمَّ قالَ: هذا مَناخُ رِکابِهِمْ وَ هذا مُلْقى رِحالِهِمْ وَهيهُنا تُهْراقُ دِماؤُهُمْ، طوبى لَکِ مِنْ تُرْبَةٍ عَلَيْکِ تُهْراقُ دِماءُ الاحِبَّةِ.

بحارالانوار، ج 44، ص 258